Row by Row delivers valued information on ways to maximize corn head performance during harvest. Enjoy grower stories, maintenance tips, research and more.

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Switching from Deere to Capture More Corn 

For Geoff Ruth, harvest season in central Nebraska is an exciting time –– especially since switching his corn head from a Deere to a Drago last year.

Evolution of Corn Production

Despite the technological boom, corn heads remain one piece of farm equipment that has lagged behind. Their design has essentially stagnated since the 1980s — with the exception of Drago corn heads.

Gathering Chains 101

The gathering chain design within a Drago corn head helps farmers capture more yield than with competitor chains. Learn what features set us apart.

A Closer Look At The 2024 Ag Economy

Matt Erickson, ag economic and policy advisor at Farm Credit Services of America, shares his insights on the current ag economy and recommendations to help farmers maximize their ROI this coming fall.

The Drago Parts Difference: Idler Sprockets

Olimac, maker of Drago corn heads, has focused on crafting better heads for more than 60 years. As industry leaders in yield capture and durability, their manufacturing process engineers every component for durability — down to our gathering chain idler sprockets. 

Using an Early Spring to Capture More Yield This Fall

Brian Hefty, agronomist, farmer and co-host of Ag PhD TV & Radio, shares his thoughts on spring strategies that can pay off in big ways at harvest.

A Sure Sign You’re Losing Yield: Deck Plate Wear

Farmers may be familiar with the telltale signs of yield loss at the corn head: ears bouncing out of the head or kernels pinging off the windshield. But there’s another sign that main-line head owners may not be aware of: deck plate wear.

Every Kernel Counts — That’s Why Ag PhD Research Counts on Drago

“Our hybrid data collection relies on getting the most yield the most consistent way possible,” says Glenn Herz, Ag PhD Research Lead.

Olimac Factory Expansion to Double Capacity

If there’s a common goal among farmers in the U.S. and those around the world, it’s getting the most yield — the most return — from every field of corn they grow. And increasingly, one of the common ways for achieving that goal is to use Drago corn heads from Olimac to harvest it.

Maintain Your Drago Head With Drago Parts

Harvest season is the best time to evaluate your hybrids, crop fertility and crop protection, and it’s a great time to evaluate your corn head, too, says Matt Scott, national service manager for Dragotec USA.

Check Your Corn Head Now for Optimum Harvest Performance This Fall

Crops suffering from drought this season? Pay added attention to your corn head during pre-harvest preparation to minimize additional loss at harvest.

How to Buy a Used Drago

When you’re in the market for a used corn head, choosing a Drago is one of the smartest decisions you can make.

“There are better products out there, and Drago is one of them.”

Deere customer says he isn’t afraid to try new technologies and that “Drago was unbelievable.” Check out what else he had to say about his experience.

A few more zerks for more ROI.

The question isn’t why Drago corn heads have more maintenance, but why other brands don’t. Drago owners know the added yield and durability they get in return are well worth it.

Post Harvest Maintenance Tips

Denny Bollig, Farmer, and President of Dragotec U.S.A., explains what you need to look for and when you need to weigh your options on repairing or replacing parts. Other topics covered are drive systems, gearboxes, deck plates, knife rolls, and more.

Managing Corn Residue at Harvest

According to Dustin Bollig, farmer and vice president of sales and marketing for Dragotec, USA, the residue management decisions producers make in the fall can help set the stage for planting season.

How to Stay Profitable Now and in the Future

Iowa Corn Promotion Board President, Kelly Nieuwenhuis, discusses best practices on his farm operation amidst agricultural volatility. In Kelly Nieuwenhuis’ 39 years of farming, one constant that remains the same is change.

Corn Head Replacement: Upgrade vs. Repairs

For many producers, optimizing the performance of their combine is considered key to corn harvest efficiency, but today we know corn head performance is equally as critical.

Factors Influencing Yield Loss

Most attention is focused on the combine when it comes to reducing yield loss, but university research has shown that 60% of harvest loss comes at the corn head — before corn even gets to the combine.

Dragotec: Capturing More Kernels for 20 Years and Counting

Two decades after bringing a corn head from Italy to their Iowa farm, Denny and Darlene Bollig celebrate having the foresight to bring an innovative product to market that has grown today to become a family-owned, national company with tenured employees, loyal dealers, and committed customers.

Corn Head Maintenance

Check your corn head now for optimum harvest performance this fall.

Optimizing Crop Health in Dry Field Conditions

Do dry field conditions, cool temperatures, or slow emergence have you revisiting your 2021 crop protection and nutrient management plans? Angie Rieck-Hinz, ISU Extension Field Agronomist, shares agronomic best practices for optimizing crop health in dry field conditions.

We Farm Too

We sat down with Matt Divis, Farm Manager, for Spring tips and best practices implemented on Bollig Farms, a multi-generational family farm operation owned by Denny Bollig, Farmer, and President of Dragotec USA.

Spring Tips to Capture More Yield this Fall

A new growing season is just around the bend. Spring preparations are underway to ensure equipment is field-ready but do not stop there.

Drago Owners Never Look Back

For the Chirpich family of Wells, MN, their farming roots run generations deep. After decades of farming and raising their children on the family farmstead, Don and Teresa Chirpich drive positive change as they integrate the next generation into their operation. 

After his first decision to buy a Drago, the next three decisions were easier.

While many producers find it difficult to consider purchasing a corn head that isn’t from a major brand, northern Iowa farmer Stewart Ohrtman, said his decision wasn’t all that hard.

Upgrade or added maintenance?

For many producers, optimizing the performance of their combine is considered key to corn harvest efficiency, but today we know corn head performance is equally as critical.

Once he ran a Drago, he knew he made a smart decision.

“We tend to accept the fact we’re going to have yield loss every year. Well, I wasn’t happy with that.”

Efficiency and profitability goals lead Iowa farmer to a Drago corn head.

The farming goal of Daren Lauritsen is to be as efficient and profitable as possible. He had that goal in mind in 2004 when he purchased a Drago corn head to match his John Deere combine.

The evolution of the corn head and the quest for maximum yield.

The first corn head as introduced more than 60 years ago. How have they changed since then?

Why do most producers accept unnecessary loss at the corn head?

University research has shown that 60% of yield loss at harvest occurs at the corn head. So, it should be easy to Google “corn head yield loss” to learn the latest technologies equipment brands offer to help save yield, right?

Why I bought a Drago (again). Repeat purchase confirms Drago corn head quality.

If there’s better testimony than a producer buying his first Drago corn head, it’s when a producer buys his second Drago corn head.

Leverage insights at harvest to boost productivity next year.

During harvest, every combine operator has a front-row seat for learning how the growing season went and what can be done to make the next season better.

Harvesting downed corn: “You just have to go down and get it.”

“I’ve always said that for a farmer, hell would be having to combine downed corn for all eternity because there’s nothing more stressful or more of a pain point than harvesting downed corn.”

Re-evaluate your equipment. Now’s the time to prepare for the plant variability at harvest

And while many producers are re-evaluating their equipment and tillage practices to limit variability at planting, Denny Bollig, farmer and president of Dragotec USA, suggests they should also be re-evaluating equipment that can reduce yield loss at harvest.

Managing Corn Residue

Higher corn plant populations, tougher stalks and an increase in stover yields has resulted in an overabundance of plant material, adding residue management to producers’ harvest time activities.

Brothers describe their decision to buy a Drago corn head and what they’ve learned

“We had a lot of questions and concerns. Eventually, through conversations and testimonials we decided to buy our first Drago.”

Upgrade your corn head, capture more harvest

Combine optimization has often been considered the key to corn harvest efficiency, but as producers’ harvest equipment needs have grown, corn head performance has become equally as critical.

Post-Harvest Corn Head Check List

Evaluating your corn head for the next harvest season should begin during harvest in the current season, according to Fenton, Iowa farmer and Dragotec President, Denny Bollig.

Top Three Reasons for Harvest Loss at the Corn Head

University research has shown that 60% of yield loss occurs at the corn head itself.

Reminders for dealing with down corn

When down corn disrupts harvest season, the potential for yield loss should never be underestimated.

Preharvest corn head checklist: Guidelines to significantly reduce yield loss and in-season breakdowns.

“As a piece of equipment, university research* indicates sixty-percent of yield loss at harvest is credited to the “corn head,” says Fenton, Iowa, farmer and Dragotec President Dennis Bollig.

Keep costs down with durable corn harvest equipment

One of the dominant storylines in row crop agriculture in recent years has been the pressure bearish grain market prices have exerted on profitability.

When you’re looking for a way to improve yield, take a look at your corn head.

Much attention is focused on the combine when it comes to reducing yield loss, but university research* has shown that 60% of that loss comes at the corn head – before corn even gets to the combine.

Key maintenance checkpoints extend corn head efficiency.

When it comes to maximizing the life of a corn head, maintenance matters.

Tough times make you better

With 45 years on his family’s Century Farm near the northern Iowa town of Fenton, Denny Bollig has seen his share of economic cycles in agriculture.

Down corn can put a dent in yield potential

At harvest time, farmers say there is no greater concern when it comes to yield loss potential than down or wind-damaged corn.

Top 5 factors influencing corn yield loss

Extreme environmental conditions and the crop management adjustments they force upon farmers are the two biggest causes for corn yield loss.

Top 5 causes of corn yield variability

Environmental and soil conditions that create plant variability in a corn crop cause potential yield loss from the day it’s planted all the way through harvest.

How much is corn yield costing you

In order to maximize crop yield, it’s important to know the many factors that can limit it.

Hit the right harvest window to minimize yield loss

Fall harvest is when corn farmers reap the rewards of their hard work. It’s also when they face major variability in environmental conditions — and potential yield loss — as they race against the clock to get the crop in the bin.

Olimac: Dedicated to building the best performing corn head on the planet

Inside a factory in northern Italy, cutting-edge production practices and personal attention converge to produce the corn heads that bear the Drago name.